Privacy Policy

Read our privacy policy

HF Elite Pools needs to collect and process personal data to enable the security of its system, thus allowing the correct identification and authentication of the user, who will then be able to enjoy a good browsing experience and access to information of interest. To this end, HF Elite Pools assumes an ethical commitment to protect the information and sensitive data of its customers, employees, partners and suppliers in accordance with the provisions contained in Law 13.709/18, known as the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD ).

Aware of the utmost importance that must be given to the personal data and privacy of its users, HF Elite Pools will request such information and personal data only when necessary, with due knowledge and consent of the user, who will be unequivocally and previously informed of the reasons for the collection and destination of this data.

As a security measure, some of the information collected will be stored for the time necessary to perform the requested service, but some data collected will be kept by HF Elite Pools to comply with legal requirements.

The data that must remain stored is duly protected to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.


PERSONAL DATA: the LGPD defines “personal data” as all data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as: name, address, CPF, identity number, etc.

SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA: is that which concerns racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union membership or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data referring to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

USER: natural person who uses the website and service channels of HF Elite Pools and who, in order to access information or services, will have to provide personal data.

TERMS OF CONSENT: document where the authorization to process data with a specific and determined purpose is collected.

CONTROLLER: establishment that performs the primary collection of data, with the aim of using them for the development of its activities.

OPERATOR: performs data processing operations on behalf of the controller.

TREATMENT AGENTS: Controller and Operator.

PROCESSING: any operation carried out with personal data, such as those referring to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication , transfer, diffusion or extraction.

COOKIES: are information files that are stored on your computer or mobile devices through the internet browser (browser). These files allow, over a period of time, a website to “remember” the actions and preferences recorded on behalf of the user. The use of cookies exists so that the user, when returning to a website that he has already visited, does not, in principle, have to indicate his browsing preferences again (language, font, way of viewing, etc.).

Collection of personal data

HF Elite Pools collects personal data to offer the user services and features tailored to their needs.

In certain situations, to collect personal data and sensitive personal data, HF Elite Pools may request the user's consent through the Consent Form, following and complying with legal and regulatory obligations.

To contact HF Elite Pools and make any kind of request through the website, user data will be requested through an electronic form, so that your request receives the appropriate treatment according to its purpose.

Use of personal data

HF Elite Pools, in the role of Controller, is responsible for processing the personal data of its users or for forwarding them to the internal departments and production units responsible for meeting the user's needs.

Personal data sharing

User data will be transmitted and shared between the departments of HF Elite Pools, so that the service is carried out promptly and efficiently.

HF Elite Pools may also transmit user data to third parties in compliance with regulatory requirements, legal obligations and determinations of court orders. However, HF Elite Pools will always use the available and necessary means to guarantee privacy and security in data sharing.

Conservation of personal data

The data collected by HF Elite Pools will be kept for the period strictly necessary in accordance with the treatment carried out and required by current legislation.

HF Elite Pools informs that it will maintain all the technical means available to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and misappropriation of the personal data of its users.

User rights

Under the terms of the LGPD, the data subject may request access to the data collected by HF Elite Pools, as well as its rectification, elimination or limitation of the use of personal data, the portability of its data, or even oppose its treatment, except in cases provided for by law. The data subject may exercise these rights by means of a written request addressed to the data controller, by email

Third party websites

It is up to HF Elite Pools to inform users, through its website, of the existence of access links to other external and third-party websites, which are not under its control, operation and protection, not being responsible for the contents and practices of these referrals. websites.

Changes to privacy and cookie policy

HF Elite Pools informs that it may change this Privacy Policy on Data and Use of Cookies at any time. The changes will be duly made available and, if deemed necessary, it will keep in touch with the duly registered user.

This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. To learn more, read our Privacy Policy.